Relax, Breathe & Birth - new 2hr sessions from The Wise HIppo
Hot off the press!
In July I'll be running the first new single session class from The Wise HIppo. Its called 'Relax, Breathe & Birth' and is suitable for mothers-to-be and their birth partners - whether this is your first pregnancy, second, third or even fourth!
The session is two hours long and teachs you useful relaxation & breathing techniques to use during your pregnancy and labour. There is space for up to 4 couples per session.
The courses cost £25 per couple, and are run on Saturday mornings, from 930-1130, at Alice's Tea Shop, Sevenoaks (if you go on to book onto either a group or private Wise Hippo Birthing Programme course, this will be deductible from the cost of the course).
Come back soon for more information, or email me here for details